As a condo owner or HOA member, there are few experiences as frustrating as receiving a special assessment notice. Condos that belong to HOAs face assessments by their condo association board and by the HOA board. Neither can be ignored. This report explains what owners can do to prepare for and reduce special assessments – […]
Special Reports
Condo Mold: When Water Leaks Cause Mold Damage to Your Condo
Condo Mold: Answers, Action Steps Condo Owners: What are your insurance and reimbursement options for mold damage to your condominium? Dr. Joyce Starr provides action steps when water leaks from a neighbor’s unit – or from condominium association rooftop boilers, AC systems and connecting pipes – cause mold damage to your condo, including a sample […]
“Condo Owners vs. Condo Renters: How to Reduce Burdens & Costs” eBook by Dr. Joyce Starr
How Charging Owners to Rent Their Units Can Reduce Burdens & Costs Do irresponsible renters threaten your peaceful enjoyment of property? Are condo or HOA owners treated like second-class citizens by your Association Board? Has your condo board or HOA board permitted this situation to fester? What can be done? Buy the eBook on Amazon, […]
Condominium & HOA Board Elections
How to Ensure Fair & Legal Elections Condo & HOA board elections often prove a nightmare for owners. Yet, owner rights include a lawful condo board or HOA board election process! When others try to dismiss the legalities, or undermine the process, you must have facts at hand. Discover how condominium association & HOA board […]
“How to Recall Your Condo Board or HOA Board in 10 Basic Steps” by Dr. David Goldenberg & Dr. Joyce Starr (eBook)
What every condo owner & homeowner association member should understand about the recall process. Read this eBook guide BEFORE launching a recall petition. Discover which tasks must be undertaken, in what order and precisely how to carry out your recall plan. One mistake could easily derail months of hard work. HOA board and condo board […]